Assets Retirements API

PROCEDURE do_retirement
   (p_api_version                in     NUMBER
   ,p_init_msg_list              in     VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE
   ,p_commit                     in     VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE
   ,p_validation_level           in     NUMBER   := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL
   ,p_calling_fn                   in     VARCHAR2
   ,x_return_status              out    NOCOPY VARCHAR2
   ,x_msg_count                  out    NOCOPY NUMBER
   ,x_msg_data                   out    NOCOPY VARCHAR2

   ,px_trans_rec                 in out NOCOPY FA_API_TYPES.trans_rec_type
   ,px_dist_trans_rec            in out NOCOPY FA_API_TYPES.trans_rec_type
   ,px_asset_hdr_rec             in out NOCOPY FA_API_TYPES.asset_hdr_rec_type
   ,px_asset_retire_rec          in out NOCOPY FA_API_TYPES.asset_retire_rec_type
   ,p_asset_dist_tbl             in     FA_API_TYPES.asset_dist_tbl_type
   ,p_subcomp_tbl                in     FA_API_TYPES.subcomp_tbl_type
   ,p_inv_tbl                    in     FA_API_TYPES.inv_tbl_type );

PROCEDURE undo_retirement
   (p_api_version                in     NUMBER
   ,p_init_msg_list              in     VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE
   ,p_commit                     in     VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE
   ,p_validation_level           in     NUMBER   := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL
   ,p_calling_fn                 in     VARCHAR2
   ,x_return_status              out    NOCOPY VARCHAR2
   ,x_msg_count                  out    NOCOPY NUMBER
   ,x_msg_data                   out    NOCOPY VARCHAR2

   ,px_trans_rec                 in out NOCOPY FA_API_TYPES.trans_rec_type
   ,px_asset_hdr_rec             in out NOCOPY FA_API_TYPES.asset_hdr_rec_type
   ,px_asset_retire_rec          in out NOCOPY FA_API_TYPES.asset_retire_rec_type

Public Types
-- Main record type
TYPE asset_retire_rec_type IS RECORD (
        retirement_id                   NUMBER,
        date_retired                    DATE,
        units_retired                   NUMBER,
        cost_retired                    NUMBER,
        proceeds_of_sale                NUMBER,
        cost_of_removal                 NUMBER,
        retirement_type_code            VARCHAR2(15),
        retirement_prorate_convention   VARCHAR2(10),
        sold_to                         VARCHAR2(30),
        trade_in_asset_id               VARCHAR2(15),
        reference_num                   VARCHAR2(15),
        status                          VARCHAR2(15),
        recognize_gain_loss             VARCHAR2(30),
        recapture_reserve_flag          VARCHAR2(1),
        limit_proceeds_flag             VARCHAR2(1),
        terminal_gain_loss              VARCHAR2(30),
        reserve_retired                 NUMBER,
        eofy_reserve                    NUMBER,
        reduction_rate                  NUMBER,
        calculate_gain_loss             varchar2(1),
        detail_info                     asset_retire_det_rec_type,
        desc_flex                       desc_flex_rec_type


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