Create Bank Accounts R12

Create Bank Account: Account and Use

Bank account owner should be legal entity

Account use must be Receivables, Payables, Payroll, or Treasury. Enable which application uses bank accounts

Define Bank account

Enter account name, alternate account name, legal account name, check digit, and currency
Enter International bank account number, account type, account holder, description

Account types - Checking account, savings, salary, loan accounts, ..

Account controls

General controls
Define cash, cash clearing, bank charges, bank error, realized gain/loss accounts

Cash management controls
Define Minimum bank balance, maximum bank balance, minimum receipt amount, minimum payment amount, rounding factor, rounding rule (rounding up/down, nearest value)

Payable controls
Enable/Disable multiple currency payments, allow zero amounts, pooled accounts
Define maximum outlay, minimum payment, maximum payment amount

Receivable controls
Enable/Disable multiple currency receipts

Account Access

Operating unit which is going to access the defined account

Account contacts
Define contact points for this specific account


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