Create Bank : PLSQL Caller : R12

PLSQL Block to call Oracle External Bank Public API's


l_ExtBank_rec_type IBY_EXT_BANKACCT_PUB.ExtBank_rec_type;
l_bank_id           NUMBER;
l_return_status     CHAR(1);
l_msg_count         NUMBER;
l_msg_data          VARCHAR2(4000);
l_response          IBY_FNDCPT_COMMON_PUB.Result_rec_type;


    l_ExtBank_rec_type.bank_id                     := NULL;
    l_ExtBank_rec_type.bank_name                   := 'State Bank of India';
    l_ExtBank_rec_type.bank_number                 := '99999';
    l_ExtBank_rec_type.institution_type            := 'Public Bank';
    l_ExtBank_rec_type.country_code                := 'IN';
    l_ExtBank_rec_type.bank_alt_name               := 'State Bank of India';
    l_ExtBank_rec_type.bank_short_name             := 'SBI';
    l_ExtBank_rec_type.description                 := 'State Bank of India (SBI)';
    l_ExtBank_rec_type.tax_payer_id                := '1009';
    l_ExtBank_rec_type.tax_registration_number     := 'A99889898';

IBY_EXT_BANKACCT_PUB.create_ext_bank ( p_api_version              => 1.0,
                                      p_init_msg_list             =>  FND_API.G_FALSE,
                                      p_ext_bank_rec              => l_ExtBank_rec_type,
                                      x_bank_id                   => l_bank_id,
                                      x_return_status             => l_return_status,
                                      x_msg_count                 => l_msg_count,
                                      x_msg_data                  => l_msg_data,
                                      x_response                  => l_response

 DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Output:'||l_return_status ||'-'||  l_msg_data );  
 DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Bank ID:'||l_bank_id );



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