How to Drilldown GL journal lines to Sub ledger transaction via SLA

Drill down from GL journal lines to Actual transaction can be done through sub ledger accounting (SLA).

XLA header, line number, and event id is a key to drill down from GL to source transaction via SLA

Bank account transfer (Cash management)

 To get sub ledger document reference

    SELECT pt.trxn_reference_number
    INTO l_doc_no
    FROM ce_cashflows cf
        ,ce_payment_transactions pt
        , xla_distribution_links dl
    WHERE cf.cashflow_id         = dl.source_distribution_id_num_1
    AND pt.trxn_reference_number = cf.trxn_reference_number
    AND dl.ae_header_id          = p_xla_header_id
    AND dl.ae_line_num           = p_xla_line_num
    AND dl.event_id              = p_event_id;

To get sub ledger document details

  SELECT pt.trxn_reference_number
    , pt.transaction_description
    , pt.payment_currency_code
    , pt.payment_amount
    , pt.source_party_id
    , pt.source_bank_account_id
    , pt.destination_party_id
    , pt.destination_bank_account_id
    , pt.payment_reason_comments
    , get_bank_details('BNAME',pt.destination_bank_account_id) bank_name
    , get_bank_details('BBNAME',pt.destination_bank_account_id) branch_name
    , get_bank_details('BACCNO',pt.destination_bank_account_id) bank_account_num
    , get_bank_details('BACCNAME',pt.destination_bank_account_id) bank_account_name
  INTO l_cash_management_rec
  FROM ce_cashflows cf
      , ce_payment_transactions pt
      , xla_distribution_links dl
  WHERE cf.cashflow_id         = dl.source_distribution_id_num_1
  AND pt.trxn_reference_number = cf.trxn_reference_number
  AND dl.ae_header_id          = p_xla_header_id
  AND dl.ae_line_num           = p_xla_line_num
  AND dl.event_id              = p_event_id;

Asset Additions

    SELECT ad.asset_id
          , ad.asset_number
          , ad.asset_type
          , ad.attribute_category_code
          , ad.description
    INTO l_asset_additions_rec
    FROM fa_transaction_headers th
        , xla_distribution_links xdl
        , fa_additions ad
    WHERE th.event_id         = xdl.event_id
    AND ad.asset_id           = th.asset_id
    AND xdl.ae_header_id      = p_xla_header_id --11282906 --ref7
    AND xdl.ae_line_num       = p_xla_line_num  --2   --ref8
    AND th.event_id           = p_event_id
    AND transaction_type_code = 'ADDITION'; --11484663  -- distribution

Asset Depreciation

    SELECT ad.asset_id
      , ad.asset_number
      , ad.asset_type
      , ad.attribute_category_code
      , ad.description
    INTO l_depreciation_rec
    FROM fa_deprn_detail d
        , xla_distribution_links xdl
        , fa_additions ad
    WHERE d.event_id     = xdl.event_id
    AND ad.asset_id      = d.asset_id
    AND xdl.ae_header_id = p_xla_header_id --11282906 --ref7
    AND xdl.ae_line_num  = p_xla_line_num  --2   --ref8
    AND d.event_id       = p_event_id ;

Asset Retirements

    SELECT ad.asset_id
      , ad.asset_number
      , ad.asset_type
      , ad.attribute_category_code
      , ad.description
    INTO l_asset_additions_rec
    FROM fa_transaction_headers th
        , xla_distribution_links xdl
        , fa_additions ad
    WHERE th.event_id         = xdl.event_id
    AND ad.asset_id           = th.asset_id
    AND xdl.ae_header_id      = p_xla_header_id --11282906 --ref7
    AND xdl.ae_line_num       = p_xla_line_num  --2   --ref8
    AND th.event_id           = p_event_id
    AND transaction_type_code = 'FULL RETIREMENT'; --11484663  -- distribution


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