Landed cost functional & technical references

How to get landed cost shipment details?

Inquire below tables to get LCM shipment details
inl_ship_headers_all - Get header details like item supplier name, shipment number, ship-to place
inl_ship_lines_all - Get item details, quantity, cost price, and organization going to receive

Can we add additional charge lines associated to an item?

Yes, we can add and estimate additional charge lines, third party details, and group references

What are all the additional cost factors associated to import an item in general?

a. Bill of lading fees
b. Container handling fees
c. Marine insurance
d. Onloading and offloading fees
e. Port clearance charges
f. Health inspection fees
g. Delivery order
h. Miscellaneous cost

How do charges lines are classified in the LCM application:
a. Shipment lines allocation
b. Charge lines allocation

Where do all charge lines get stored and what is a link to shipment table?

Charge lines are stored in INL_CHARGE_LINES table and to be connected with INL_ALLOCATIONS table to get "to_parent_table_name" column as a key to connect with shipment headers & lines table

How to get PO receipt number for LCM shipment?

In rcv_shipment_headers, if ASN type is LCM then those receipt shipment headers are created matching LCM shipment numbers.

Query reference:

select distinct rsh.receipt_num  into l_receipt_num from (select shipment_header_id, receipt_num, shipment_num,ship_to_org_id,asn_type from rcv_shipment_headers ) rsh,
 (select shipment_header_id, po_header_id, shipment_line_status_code,po_line_location_id from rcv_shipment_lines  ) rsl
where rsh.shipment_header_id = rsl.shipment_header_id
and rsl.po_header_id = p_po_header_id
and rsl.po_line_location_id = p_po_line_location_id
and rsh.shipment_num like p_lcm_ship_num||'%'
and rsh.asn_type = 'LCM'
and rsh.ship_to_org_id = p_org_id
and rsl.shipment_line_status_code <> 'CANCELLED';

How to get billed amount for actual item line and additional charge lines?
In payable invoice lines if line type = 'ITEM' then get line amount as actual line item cost
if line type = 'MISC' then those lines are additional charge lines mapped against PO receipt

How to identify AP lines are billed against which additional charges?
Cost_factor_name is the key column in ap_invoice_lines table. Pass charge_line_type_id from LCM into cost_factor_id and get the cost factor name associated


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