
Showing posts from January, 2017

Data template R12

Data Template   is an XML document whose elements collectively define how the data engine will process the template to generate the XML. Data template consists of four basic sections, a. Parameters b. Triggers c. Data Query d. Data Structure There are two ways to call a data template a. Concurrent program - Assign standard executable (XDODTEXE) and specify output type = XML b. Data Engine Java API's Few tips for best practices a. Performing operations in SQL is faster than performing it in the data template or PL/SQL b. Perform calculations directly in your query rather than in template c. Bind variables are more efficient than defining a link tag  Click here for more information

Expense Report Templates

Expense Report Templates Expense report templates has to be defined in Accounts payables -> Setup -> Invoices. Defined templates should be enabled for internet expenses modules Define expense item, classify expense category and assign to a enterprise policy schedule Define templates for each operating unit with user-enter-able template name with description Define expense item attributes - Receipt required to Yes and set the limit value, Select justification is required or only when policy is violated. Itemizations Itemization is to record business expenses based on each receipt line, this allows audit team to introspect into employee business & personal expenses. Enable itemization flag to Yes Assign Default expense template using Payables options

iExpenses setup and administration

Define Policy Create or update schedules to reflect the per diem reimbursement policies of your enterprise. You can only delete a schedule that has not been assigned to any expense types. Define General information - Schedule name, description, active periods, schedule type (allowance/per diem), Currency rules (Single, multiple, location based currencies) Define business rules - if we select single reimbursement currency, then define which currency and rate conversion allowed or not Define periods and rates - Enter period name and active dates which the rates affects the reimbursement expense Types of Policy Schedules Accommodation Airfare Meals Mileage Miscellaneous Per Diem

iExpenses Profile Options

User profile Options

Create Expense Report - UI Procedure

1. Create Expense report navigates to view general information page 2. General information section contains Employee name, Department, Reimbursement currency, Expense report template name and employee supervisor name 3. Enter Purpose of expense report and continue 4. Cash and other expenses page   will have detail section where we can enter receipt based expenses 5. Receipt date, receipt amount, expense type, Justification should be entered 6. Navigate to more details and enter expense location, merchant name, and add attachments 7. If original receipt is missing, enable check box indicating receipt is missing and continue 8. View summary details of business expense line entered 9. Weekly expenses summary and approval notes can be viewed before submitting report 10. Save and submit expense report and automatically unique reference number is generated by the system

Internet Expenses - Setup & Configurations

To Perform iExpenses application setup and configurations in oracle applications r12 ensure following responsibilities are assigned to an user a. Internet Expenses setup and administration b. Accounts payables c. Human Resources d. General Ledger e. System Administrator Implementation Checklist System administrator a. Setup application profile options for oracle internet expenses (OIE) b. Set profile options set to application site level and responsibility level Internet expenses setup c. Assign Chart of accounts to oracle internet expenses d. Set context using internet expenses setup. Here operating units has to be assigned. e. Audits, receipts, notification rule sets has to be defined f. Assign rule-sets to operating divisions g. Receipt required rules, receipt missing rules has to be defined h. Apply save changes Accounts Payables Setups -> Invoices -> Expense report templates 1. Each operating divisions should be defined with template name and de

Assets Retirements API

FA_RETIREMENT_PUB PROCEDURE do_retirement    (p_api_version                 in      NUMBER    ,p_init_msg_list               in      VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE    ,p_commit                      in      VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE    ,p_validation_level            in      NUMBER    := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL    ,p_calling_fn                    in      VARCHAR2    ,x_return_status               out     NOCOPY VARCHAR2    ,x_msg_count                   out     NOCOPY NUMBER    ,x_msg_data                     out     NOCOPY VARCHAR2    ,px_trans_rec                  in out NOCOPY FA_API_TYPES.trans_rec_type    ,px_dist_trans_rec             in out NOCOPY FA_API_TYPES.trans_rec_type    ,px_asset_hdr_rec              in out NOCOPY FA_API_TYPES.asset_hdr_rec_type    ,px_asset_retire_rec           in out NOCOPY FA_API_TYPES.asset_retire_rec_type    ,p_asset_dist_tbl              in      FA_API_TYPES.asset_dist_tbl_type    ,p_subcomp_tbl